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This games jumpscares were insane, BUT it definitely needs some work. I keep getting glued to the the walls and it makes running really difficult. And for the killer, for me at least i rly couldnt finish the game bc he kept camping at the door i need to use the crowbar for and he would NOT move.

Hey man thanks for playing. It seems you skipped an update since he doesn't camp, and the player doesn't stick to walls. Just delete and re-download for the update!


really good game i like the style but i think that you should make the inside have more stairs,rooms,etc


Is it possible to get a savepoint in the warehouse part. Its frustrating to go through the forest every time? Greetings. game looks great


thanks for playing. I could have done that but I didn't so it can be some sort of punishment for losing.


Let me start off by saying i LOVE the aesthetic you chose. Reminds me of Stay Out Of The House by Puppet Combo. It takes a minute to get to the scary part but that's great-- it gives you time to be unnerved by the forest area and its odd emptiness.

That said, once I arrived at the warehouse and began exploring, i discovered the antagonist is lightning fast-- way too fast. He sees you >> you're dead. Sadly this prevented me from getting further into the game.

I'd also say i enjoyed the random nature of the "lurker": he can appear pretty much anywhere it seems. If he was toned down a bit I think it would be an improvement, but otherwise I think you're heading in the right direction and with a few tweaks this could be an awesome little horror outing. Following!


after a few updates and bug fixes the player is now faster than the lurker but the lurker has a pretty fast reaction time than the player so that's why he might catch you quickly, thanks!




Generic premise with a great execution! Liked this a lot. 

From the start of the game, you are forced to go through this forest area and it seems quite well made, but at the same time, I didn't feel scared nor stressed. Jump to the warehouse/building segment - I was stressed! The execution of that level was bizarre, it was eerie and just solid. 

Some collision settings and pixelated VHS effect can be updated, because it is a too much strain on the eyes. Other than that - good work. 

Best of luck with the future games! 


Nice great game its was tense I like it anyway well done keep it up!


That was pretty fun. I legitimately got kinda scared.


i enjoyed your game. it needs work but i like what i played.